Join the West Central Mosquito & Vector Control Association
Anyone concerned with or interested in mosquito abatement, vector control, and related work
may join the Association under one of the three (3) following categories:
Membership Categories (from WCMVCA By-Laws)
(1) REGULAR MEMBERS shall be eligible to vote and hold office and they shall pay annual dues of $25.00.
(2) HONORARY MEMBERS are permanent, non-dues-paying members, elected in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field, and shall have the same privileges as REGULAR members.
(3) SUSTAINING MEMBERS are companies or organizations with one (1) designated representative eligible to vote and to hold office. Additional members of the company or organization may join as REGULAR members. Additional benefits as deemed appropriate may be provided by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Annual Dues for SUSTAINING MEMBERS is $125.00
For more information, please contact:
Tom Janousek, Secretary
P.O. Box 6202
Omaha, NE
(402) 672-0930